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Let's build an effective, principled alternative to party politics! With your help, Green Party can represent your issues by putting local, state, and national Green candidates on the ballot.

Your contribution will help us lead the fight for ballot access, sustainable energy, meaningful environmental protection, an end to fracking, economic opportunity for every American, social justice, and good government that' s not dominated by today's partisan politics.

Please give as much as you can, and consider making a monthly donation of any amount.

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Go Green! Unrestricted Donation—use where it's needed most


Sustainable Support. Sustainable Growth.

Recurring monthly donations provide the foundation for the Green Party of the United States. Careful budgeting and planning is integral to both our values and our mission. Your ongoing support helps fund candidates and ballot access drives around the country, cooperative efforts among state parties, our media and public relations efforts, our national office, and more.

Click here to become a sustaining donor.


 Future Focus Society

Please consider including a charitable planned gift to the Green Party in your estate planning. This is one way that you can continue your commitment to the restoration and sustainability of the earth, to justice, to grassroots democracy, and to nonviolence, ensuring a better life for future generations.

Click here for more information.


Black Caucus

The mission of the Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States (BC-GPUS) is to maximize the participation of men and women of African and African American descent in the political and policy-making process of the Green Party of the United States. A percentage of the donation made on this page will support the specific activities of the Black Caucus.

Click here to donate to the Black Caucus.


Lavender Green Caucus

The Lavender Green Caucus is the Green Party's advocacy group on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (GLBTIQ) issues. Our work is centered in the ten key values and four pillars of the Green Party of the United States. A percentage of the donation made on this page will support the specific activities of the Lavender Green Caucus.

Click here to donate to the Lavender Green Caucus.


National Women's Caucus

The National Women's Caucus will organize and act to advance women's rights and concerns within the party and in the country at large with the ultimate goals of maximizing the women's vote for the Green Party, participation of women at all levels of the party, and a voter, activist, leadership, candidate and officeholder base of women that is reflective of the great diversity of this nation. A percentage of your donation made on this page will support the specific activities of the National Women's Caucus.

Click here to donate to the National Women's Caucus.


Media Committee

The Green Party's national Media Committee has been working hard to bring news coverage and public attention to the Green Party and our candidates for the White House and other public offices.

Click here to donate to the Media Committee


Youth Caucus

The Young Greens work to engage youth in Green issues and gives its members a voice within the GPUS. Membership is open to United States youth age 14-35 who identify as Green, support the Green Party's Ten Key Values, and generally agree with the platform of the GPUS and the mission of the Youth Caucus. Individuals meeting these criteria can join the Young Greens by submitting a signup form.

 Click here to donate to the Youth Caucus